Wednesday, 6 June 2012

To Brazil or not to Brazil...?

As I write Elis is in the final stages of the gruelling flight to Sao Paulo, alone. I should be with her but was not able to go, she is sorting out the last of our bureaucratic hurdles there.

While she is away I will post one of her superb photos of Brazilian birds every day. Partly to lament what I am missing out there, and partly to let her know I am thinking of her battling the powers that be alone, and of course I miss her, after all we are virtually joined at the hip these days.

So here comes the first of (I hope) not too many. One of my favourite birds in the Atlantic forest and a bird I always enjoyed seeing and hearing. I derived a great deal of pleasure from showing this bird to my friends and clients, their reactions to this little gem were always rewarding; Fork-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant.

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