Tuesday, 1 May 2012

A whizz around some local sites.

Starting in the early morning with a visit to Linford Wood, once again in the vain hope of finding a Nightingale on behalf of the BTO.
Linford Wood
Sadly, no Nightingales but we did see an unco-operative Goldcrest.
Unfriendly Goldcrest
Plus a Treecreeper to keep us interested,
and the bluebells looked nice...
Bluebells in Linford Wood
... especially when this Magpie showed up.
Magpie completes the picture
We then headed for Sherington Road pits. We found them flooded, and one track was impassable.
Impassable track.
Here we came across our first Garden Warbler, in fact there were three seperate singing males.
Garden Warbler
We got first looks at Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler although we had heard both before.
Sedge Warbler

Reed Warbler
We then hurtled over to Wolverton for a full English breakfast at the Carvey restaurant there, followed by a quick scan of the flooded Manor Farm site from a distance, where predictably we didn't see much considering our lack of effort.
Manor Farm site in flood
After this we headed back to newport and to the HESC. The bund was complely covered by the flood water so there was little to see there. We checked the Woodland hide and put some food out attracting a varity of tits the usual suspects...
Blue Tit
Great Tit
... and this pair that seems to consist of a Willow and a Marsh Tit, often referred to as Mallow Tits, I though prefer Wish Tits should they produce offspring!
Marsh Tit

Willow Tit
We were not alone in the hide, this not-so-friendly looking spider shared the space with us.
Common Hide Spider. We'd seen one a few days earlier in another hide
just like this one!
As we left we saw some terns feeding close to the patio of the pub, so we investigated and found them to be 3 Common Terns and close by there were 3 Little Egrets feeding in the flood water.
Common Tern

Common Tern

Common Tern

Little Egrets

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