Wednesday, 28 May 2014

New bird for the garden if not for the list... Jay.

A Eurasian Jay visited our table today for the first time. Strangely though, it was intimidated by a Wood Pigeon that was occupying the table when it arrived and only came to feed when the pigeon had gone.

The Wood Pigeon that stopped the Jay visiting the feeder until...

... it had gone. A great treat to see this attractive bird close up.

The Jay sat for some time on the fence and ate from some small piles of food we had placed on the fence posts.

It also visited the covered table but was chased off by a Jackdaws. It may be a flashy bird, but certainly not aggressive or ebullient.

The CommonWhitethroat also visited today singing for all it was worth, in the drizzle, right outside our window.

This Whitethroat has a very tatty tail now.
Blue Tits have occupied both our nest boxes now. In the one we put up when we moved in in March we only noticed birds coming and going for the first time yesterday but today we saw the adult emerge with a faecal sac so they must have been there for some time unnoticed by us.

Rather soggy looking Blue Tit.

Great Tits, although not nesting in the garden, are coming and going frequently, so look like they have young too somewhere nearby.

Shame about the reflection on the window glass.

The local Robins have done OK too with two young birds visiting the garden feeders.

Juvenile Robin

The number of Collared Doves has increased since they found the garden, and that number includes some young birds with little or no visible collar.

Adult Collared Dove

Juvenile Collared Dove with virtually no neck ring.

There was also this bird that appeared briefly today which seems to be much ruddier in colour than the other Collared Doves and its legs are a deeper pink.

Ruddy hued Collared Dove.


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