Thursday 14 February 2013

Looking for Woodcock.

Back in January with all the sightings of Woodcock up and down the country due to the snowy conditions, Elis and I decided to set out in search of our own scanning along woodland edges and hedgerows, we were wholly unsuccessful but we did come across this single Lapwing in the middle of a field and in the next field there was another on a similar patch of uncovered grass.

Lone Lapwing in snowy field.
We also came across this Meadow Pipit hanging around the street where my parents live in Newport Pagnell. They are common enough in the surrounding fields but this is the first time we have seen one within the estate.

Meadow Pipit.
Nearly summer plumage in nearly summer weather!
Further afield in Rickmansworth we walked around  Bury Lake. The lake was largely frozen but there were some interesting ducks on the open water area.

Pretending not to be enjoying the snow.

Wigeon pair and Gadwall (left)

Goldeneye pair (and moorhen)

Tufted Duck males, handsome beasts!
These Moorhens were having some difficulty scampering about on the ice.


... and Dean!
We also came across some little birds frantically searching for food to fight off the chill.

One of my favourit birds; Long-tailed Tit.

The hardy Wren

No snow scene is complete without a Robin.

Another potential Christmas Card for next year!
(Once we've removed the twigs!)
There you go!


Song Thrush

The diminuitive Goldcrest.
Larger birds included;


and Great Spotted Woodpecker knocking a tree about!
Raptors featured both at Bury Lake...

Red Kite being seen off by a Carrion Crow.
and on the way home.

Sitting tight.

Taking flight.
Of course with all this fluffy white stuff about Elis couldn't help getting all arty.


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