As the cottage list reaches the magical 60, I now learn from my neighbour, with whom I am most definitely NOT having a race hem hem, that his list is sixty-something, so sixty isn't good enough to draw level after all.
However that did not diminish my delight in hitting this milestone with, would you believe, a wader; Common Sandpiper.
Common Sandpiper. Gloucestershire, England. July 2012. |
Using the scope the day before I noticed the oystercatchers down by the water's edge and with them a nearly fledged chick, great news that they bred on our humble little lake. I checked the next day, but although I could not see the oystercatchers I was unconcerned as there is a large area they can hide in out of my view. But, teetering along by the water's edge this time was a Common Sandpiper, pumping its tail-end up and down like he was pumping something up!
Eurasian Oystercatchers. Bangor, Wales. September 2012. |
A little later I looked again, once the heat haze had diminished, and found that there were in fact two Common Sandpipers.
Today we had a visit from a group of Long-tailed Tits, this little chap came right up to the back door; an adorably scruffy youngster. These have to be my favourite non waders!
Long-tailed Tit. The cottage Garden, Bucks, England. July 2014. |
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