Monday, 26 November 2012

Garden birds

Something happened today, the ornithological desert that is our garden was suddenly alive with birds. Day after day I have sat here and looked up from time to time to see empty feeders and a vacant garden devoid of anything more exciting than the occasional Woodpigeon or Collared Dove, or fly by corvids.

Today however we had two new birds for the list Blue Tit and Coal Tit.

1st Blue Tit

1st Coal Tit

We also had a visit from a Great Tit which we haven't seen since the 3rd (admittedly we have been away, but it hasn't appeared since we got back).

Great Tit
Within the space of a few minutes a Dunnock appeared on the fence, a 1st winter Blackbird dropped onto the grass and a Robin perched on the bird table along with one of the more regular Starlings on the fat balls. Just maybe the garden will be more exciting from now on, or maybe these were in a roving flock that has now moved on, we'll see.

Collared Doves and Woodpigeons are daily visitors to the bird table and House Sparrows put in occasional appearances, happily the Goldfinches are more regular.

Collared Dove

All these photographs were taken through old and murky double glazing.
Garden list now 21

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