Saturday, 27 October 2012

Plovers and Buzzards

Last night we found a large flock of about 200 lapwings just outside town and with them were 10 golden plovers, we scanned the flock by failed to find and Caspian, Sociable or White-tailed Plovers. It was late, blowing a hooley and freezing cold and the rather dull as well, so the photos weren't brilliant, just a record shot really.

2 Golden Plovers with the Lapwing flock
This morning the sun was shining, so we went for better shots. Do you think we could find any lapwings or plovers? Not a one. We did admire the autumn leaves in Salcey Forest (we weren't looking for plover there just passing through of course) and came across at least two Common Buzzards together.
Autumn fruits

Salcey Forest

Salcey Forest

Common Buzzard

Also heard Pied Wagtail flying over the garden this morning but didn't see it until it was a dot in the distance, so taking the garden list to 17.

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